Scroll down these three columns of MULTI-BELIEF inspiration in several formats - The page update here is still "in progress" : i.e., if the link goes nowhere, it's because I did not get that far in this yet.   Encourage me via the "Contact"  options.   The Winter Holiday Collection is a Labor of Conscientious time and love for ALL!





  • Power Prayer for Our Troops at War

  • This picture code of Crucified Christ is worth a moment to study and meditate!

  • "Sacred Space" - Global Favorite Dublin-based prayersite is now at FACEBOOK. Stop in!

  • EWTN - live 'real time' Video!

  • Never miss your EWTN favorites again!

  • HAITI Disaster Obituary of its Archbishop Joseph Serge Miot

  • A hand with Fiberglass figures won this Happiest of Restorations - Christmas Creche

  • ~ Art With Heart ~

  • Safe Lovely path to help your cause!

  • "Pope John Paul II Roses at Jackson & Perkins" It sells out fast so if this link does not take your there, ask in their search - it is there !

  • PROPOSED PAGES ask about them:

  • • New study site ~

  • • A light for those interested in Sacred Art,

  • • The Way of Beauty

  • • from David Clayton

  • • Saint Thomas More College of Liberal Arts.



Most provide locators for further contact.
    •    The Episopal Church
    •    The Congregational Church per 'Wikipedia"     
    •    Online Bible Look-up ~ find it - handy site
    •    Mormon Church
    •   Judaism Portal at 'Wikipedia' + external links
    •    United Methodist Church
    •    Jehovah's Witness / Watchtower
    •    Crossroads Community Church
    •    Islam ~ Muslim religion at Wikipedia + links 

PLUS Online Meditation / self-actualization sites:

 •    “The Wonder of it All" ~ stunningly beautiful and inspiring for all beliefs !

Stories and Images MOST of these ARE here - just scroll down till it appears - I will insert the links ASAP, to save the long scroll experience…..thank you for your patience …. elle

  • STORIES AND IMAGES by ellefagan & others 

  • Multi- Belief Prayer ~ 'Called to Peace' 

  • "Healing" ~ Spiritual quick-response helpers ~ healing affirmations and quick-quotes from the Bible 

  • Sprititsite topnote: "Atributes of the Spirit" comment to me with your words for this list 

  • Radio Kennedy & Coach Jones This true story was made into a popular film, called "Radio", and for a fine reason. Visit the site and see for yourself! It's about Life! 

  • God Lives Under the Bed

  • Spring Team Play Story, 'Shay Day !' 

  • "The Interview with God" beautiful visual interpretation of the famous story 

  • "The Greatest of These is Love" from Saint Paul 1 Corinthians 

  • ~ The Jesus Story in Images ~ 

  • "Breathing In & Out" ~ a short prayers that combines centering techniques" 

  • Pope John Paul II image and note 

  • "In Wisdom is A Spirit" 

  • "The Tablecloth" a story 

  • "God's Gift" & "Piano Duet" 

  • " Isadore is a Window" - internet patron saint 

  • "The Reign of God " from Saint Luke 

  • "Deus ex Machina" or " God from a Machine" , literally 

  • "The Exultet",iconic Easter Vigil Prayer 

  • "Winter Holiday" generously-done page of Multi-Cultural inspiration and fun 

  • "Fun" a Craft activity/idea page 

  • "Compassion & Intellect" the balance 

  • "Miracles" a new page, work-in-progress 

  • "Purpose" by George Bernard Shaw 

  • "Anyway" famous classic 

  • "The Silent Woman" light commentary on the issue 


"Art With Heart"~ safe, quick and easy ~ along several paths: 
Browsing this site is always free, however, if you think you might wish to buy, your purchase can do "doubleduty" and help your Favorite Charitable Organization, especially any of those helping in Hurrincane and Disaster Relief.

~ Path one ~ 
Art purchase, through this site: 1.Choose the art and contact Artsite to agree on terms, per "contact" link, above. 
2. Make the donation, email Artsite a copy of the Donation Receipt and balance of salesprice . 
3. Artsite packs and ships the art to you. 

~ Path two ~ Art Purchase, through eBay: Type "elle fagan" in the eBay Seachbox, always, to see the Elle Fagan Artsite items with Donations Options available. 

~ Path Three ~ 
Through Other GivingWorks purchase: eBay sponsors a very famous project called "Giving Works", which offers all categories of items.
Most of the major charities have become involved, so you can either find your item and shop, and the purchase will go to its designated charity, or you can find your favorite charity, and see what items are listed to their benefit. 

~ Path Four ~ 
Through Simple Cash Gift / no artwork purchase involved: find your favorite Response Organization's Links at USA FreedomCorps.gov or The United Way 

~ Path Five ~ Outright Artwork Donation to your Charity: An Elle Fagan Artsite is also often able to donate art , directly, for your group fundraiser. My work is getting known, and I am the Connectictut Artisan for the 2007 White House Easter Egg Display, and so this path should do a nice job for your cause. I cannot always make outright gifts of art: it depends on my inventory/availability of the artworks, and sometimes, my ability to personally support the group with an outright gift. Also, I am not wealthy, and cannot always afford to make outright gifts of any kind. However, if I can, I will, so do ask me.
Success Note: Artsite's "Arts With Heart " project has been able to create donations with these partners, to date; more to come: The American Red Cross ~ Catholic Charities ~ American Cancer Society ~ Episcopal Church giving portal ~ Rockville United Methodist Church ~ Food For the Poor

I can also make mention of your name as a donor , here at this site, but only with your express permission, arranged at the time the donation is made. I will never use your name , without your permmission. 

We are witness to a Major Miracle of Response and Restoration, expected to go on for some time,and it deserves our support.
Official Redcross Response-type Information and links at Redcross Stories & Preparedness 

The Amber Rosary Sale for Katrina Response Benefit
...worked so well, would consider doing more events like it. Click to see and read.

Above all... Keep a happy winning Spirit ... Love the Challenge ! -elle
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Fear Not !"
Click image for prayers and links. 
First and Last words: 
At his first address to us, he sets the tone of His Papacy, and sings this overture to the Symphony that was his life: "Be not afraid! Open up, no; swing wide the Gates to Christ. Open up to His saving Power, the confines of the State, open up economic and political system, the vast empires of culture, civilization and development. Be not afraid!"
His name means "song of the ultimate voyage , or voyager"... and nothing could be truer. 
And this, his last prepared speech ... he was unable to deliver it himself, but shared a lovely last thought: "As the Apostles once did, today, too, humanity must welcome into the upper room of history the risen Christ, who shows the wounds of his Crucifixion and repeats: Peace be with you!" Acess his writings. You will not be disappointed. 

Pope John Paul II made history using the options granted by his powers as pope to begin the process for Mother Teresa's elevation to Sainthood, only one year after her death, rather than the usual five-year wait, and she is already called Blessed...halfway there. Precedent having been set, the new Pope Benedict XVI announced that proceedings will begin at once for Sainthood for our Pope John Paul II, granting the desires of the Church faithful, who cried "Santo Subito", Italian for "Sainthood, Immediately", at the funeral of the remarkable former pope. 
Of all the images of Pope John Paul II, the painting, posted at right, and at
Catholic Voice Online touched me most profoundy, for its symbolism and truth and beauty: 
With the Church as background, protection and burden, he triumphs over his pain, Jesus Christ Crucified bearing him up. His robes temper his humanity; they flow and share powers of light and grace, powers not his own, but granted by his office, and great heart, luminous and dynamic, beneath. Click to Catholic Online or Pope John Paul II for more at this special time! 

Pope John Paul II ~ May 18,1920~ April 2, 2005



New Year's Lights

Father Gerry Bourke in Dublin has been enjoying many special thoughts and wishes for this New Year at his email feedback at "Sacred Space"

...He says:"..In the same day's mail a visitor to Sacred Space living in Macau sent me 

"....the following journal entry from December 29, 2006, that came to me as I was 'breathing in what I desired and breathing out what I wanted to let go of ' in prayer." It was entitled: LORD, let your Holy Spirit bear fruit in my life . . . "Breathing in and out"

In: Lord, give me your love
Out: in the face of hate and indifference. 
In: Lord, give me your joy
Out: in the midst of the grind of daily life. 
In: Lord, give me your peace
Out: even though many things are not as they ought to be. 
In: Lord, give me your patience
Out: in a world that measures time by hundredths of a second. 
In: Lord, give me your kindness
Out: in the face of competition that brushes aside others. 
In: Lord, give me your goodness
Out: in place of my confessed sin and shortcomings. 
In: Lord, give me your faithfulness
Out: in a world that capitalizes on unfaithfulness. 
In: Lord, give me your gentleness
Out: at those moments of provocation. 
In: Lord, give me your self-control
Out: despite the strong message to indulge without reflection. 
In: Lord, give me your Spirit
Out: as I surrender to you. 

Tobia Vandenberg Veith


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Attributes of the Spirit
    •    Lifesource...Powerful...the Spark
    •    Vulnerable...Sensitive...Needful
    •    Healer .....Resilient, can self-repair
    •    Solitary...the small voice...individuates
    •    Universal...one with all Creation...boundless
    •    Industrious....must be interested...employed
    •    Delightful...must celebrate...share the fruits
    •    Relentless....cannot quit...must attain ends
    •    Survivor...endures...problem-solver...protective of self & others
    •    Victorious...not finite, never defeated, entirely


"The Exultet",iconic Easter Vigil Prayer 



The buttons allow for a quick browse or a relaxed "stop & study". ORIGINALS, PRINTS OR IMPRINTED WORKS ON TEES, MUGS ETC.

Sold - Prints or Similar per your commision
Number of Pictures: 1 of 14

PRICE CODE explained at Prices, Terms & Conditions. 
If the gallery display stops, it may have "timed-out". Refresh/Reload Page to Resume. Thanksomuch! ~ elle



For Mothers,Sisters,Daughters and GalPals The lady reading this is beautiful, classy and strong, and I love her. Help her live her life to the fullest. Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations. Help her shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love. Protect her at all times; lift her up when she needs you the most, And let her know when she walks with you, She will always be safe. You Are Loved!!!! 

Someone sent this to me, just at that moment, when it was needed, and it helped! May it help you as well ... and do share it as you can! 




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Beatification (October 16,2003) and Sainthood come soon for Mother Teresa
who was, herself, like one of her booktitles,"Something Beautiful For God".
The link, above, is just one source for all you might wish to learn about the most-loved superstar, angel to the great and small.




Power Prayer for our Troops at War
~ from the Bible ~ Psalms 29:3-11 

3. The voice of the Lord is over the waters; 
the God of glory thunders, 
the Lord, over the mighty waters. 

4. The voice of the Lord is power; 
the voice of the Lord is splendor. 

5. The Voice of the Lord Cracks the cedars; 
the Lord splinters the cedars of Lebanon, 

6. Makes Lebanon leap like a calf, 
and Sirion like a young bull. 

7. The voice of the Lord strikes with fiery flame; 

8. the voice of the Lord rocks the desert; 
the Lord rocks the desert of Kadesh. 

9. The voice of the Lord twists the oaks
and strips the forests bare. 
All in his palace say, "Glory !" 

10. The Lord sits enthroned above the flood ! 
The Lord reigns as king forever ! 

11. May the Lord give light to his people; 
may the Lord bless his people with peace ! 
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Email: esfagan@ellefagan.com

"You turned my wailing into dancing; You removed my sackcloth, and robed me in delight!
So that my heart might sing to you and not be silent. Oh, Lord! My God! I will sing your praises forever!"
~ Bible, Isaiah



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I think I subsribed to the Daily E-pistle because of its logo, sharing the dilemma of the past and future, working in the present,
and then thought it might have a friend at this site, since...

If you look at the Macintosh logo, you will see, in its clever design Father, Son and Holy Spirit as One...

"Deus ex machina?"... Latin for "God from a machine"
-My MacG3 is said to be a fine one for manipulating art; so I smiled to myself when I noticed the three-ness in the image,
as a little blessing, perhaps on this project. :-) elle
The Mac logo presents 1.A full-face smiley,the dominant image 2. A smiling profile of a man, facing left,like a secondary male image and 3. what looks like a bird, its beak pointed heavenward in song....
voila! Father, Son and Holy Spirit...Three in One! ~ e.


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We talk about the perfection of love. At midlife many of my friends are delighted to find there is the maturity and benefit and ability to do so, for the first time in their lives.

I am quoting the passages here to help me and this note is to remind myself not to give up on the goal, however frustrating and impossible it may seem to achieve.
I know I have a glimmering of mature faith, based on experience, so that when I read or hear "Nothing is impossible with God.", I feel that certain knowledge in my heart, that this is true... not a child's hope, or the blind passion of youth, but the true knowledge that comes from experience ...and feel this time is so special...my health and energies can allow me to put this glimmering of certainty in God's power to good use... if I am careful as possible, to stay integrated with it all. I am an artist and know patience ... it is not so difficult to be patient with love, and with those I love, if I love them...and with myself, as I nurture my own spiritual growth.
And please help me to remember that there are many who are completely disinterested in the perfection of anything. They are my salvation, as I strive.
In learning love's ways, help me to learn so that it feeds life, rather than depletes it.

From a holy card found at my church:

Following are passages from Saint Paul 1Corinthians 13:1-7,13

"What if I could speak all languages of humans and of angels?
If I did not love others, I would be nothing more than a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
What if I could prophesy and understand all secrets and all knowledge?
And what if I had faith that moved mountains?
I would be nothing, unless I loved others.
What if I gave away all that I owned and let myself be burned alive?
I would gain nothing, unless loved others.
Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude.
Love isn't selfish or quick-tempered.
It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do.
Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.
Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.

For now there are faith, hope, and love.
But of these three, the greatest is love." 

There was a link here to a site of Alternatives in health spirituality and more !It has been removed because it has degenerated and is not really helpful as a reference.
I am Catholic, which means "universal",
and so I hope I honor all approaches, whether I practice them myself or not. But I am not encouraged to support the obscene or profane. Comment Welcome.

Earth-Based Religions - Native American and Others 

Visit Belief Net and opt for Earth-Based Religions, in the left column, to learn about our ancestors' ways to path their Spirits to the Source of Creation - the Great Spiritual Powers, as they experienced them. 

I am not Native American, but love and honor those among us who are, and so many Americans are so, wholly, or in part, by marriage since colonial days, that it would be negligent to do otherwise. So much of what we live by today was of their making, and most exciting and interesting to any who respect LIfe and themselves. Someone found this for me. Sharing it here, with you, and I hope it makes you want more. 

Let Me Walk In Beauty
Native American Prayer of Chief Yellow Lark 

Oh, Great Spirit 

Whose voice I hear in the winds and whose breath gives life to all the world. 

Hear me. 

I am a man before you, one of your many children - I am small and weak. I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. 

Make my hands respect the things you have made, my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise, so that I may know the things you have taught my people - the lesson you have hidden in every leaf and rock. 

I seek strength not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest enemy - myself. Make me ever ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes, so when life fades as a fading sunset my spirit may come to you without shame. 

- Native American Prayer
Translated by Chief Yellow Lark in 1887
Native American Missionary and Medicine Man
Lakota Tribe 



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In Wisdom is a spirit
intelligent, holy, unique, 
Manifold, subtle, agile, 
clear, unstrained, certain, 
Not baneful, loving the good, keen, 
unhampered, beneficent, kindly, 
Firm, secure, tranquil, 
all-powerful, all-seeing, 
And pervading all spirits, 
though they be intelligent, pure, and very subtle. 

For Wisdom is mobile beyond all motion, 
and she penetrates and pervades all things by reason of her purity. 
For she is an aura of the might of God
and a pure effusion of the glory of the Almighty; 
therefore nought that is sullied enters into her. 
For she is the refulgence of eternal light, 
the spotless mirror of the power of God, 
the image of his goodness. 
And she, who is one, can do all things, 
and renews everything while herself perduring; 
And passing into holy souls, from age to age, 
she produces friends of God and prophets. 
For there is nought God loves, be it not one who dwells with Wisdom. 
For she is fairer than the sun
and surpasses every constellation of the stars. 
Compared to light, she takes precedence; 
for that, indeed, night supplants, 
but wickedness prevails not over Wisdom. 
Indeed, she reaches from end to end mightily
and governs all things well. 

~ Reading I Wis 7, 22--8,1
November 11, 1999 Memorial of Martin of Tours, bishop...
and in memoriam for cousin Martin Allen, 
recently deceased after a long, brave battle with Lou Gherig's Disease.
Like Mr.Gherig, baseball was his big love, and he is surely playing for the team in Heaven.
He was happy soul ~ we will not grieve, but rejoice in his liberation from suffering,
so that we may be receptive to the grace of his laughter, once again, for us on Earth. 

Psalm: Thursday Week 22 

Responsorial Psalm
Ps 119, 89. 90. 91. 130. 135. 175 

R. (89) Your word is for ever, O Lord. 
Your word, O Lord, endures forever; 
it is firm as the heavens. 
R. Your word is for ever, O Lord. 
Through all generations your truth endures; 
you have established the earth, and it stands firm. 
R. Your word is for ever, O Lord. 
According to your ordinances they still stand firm: 
all things serve you. 
R. Your word is for ever, O Lord. 
The revelation of your words sheds light, 
giving understanding to the simple. 
R. Your word is for ever, O Lord. 
Let your countenance shine upon your servant, 
and teach me your statutes. 
R. Your word is for ever, O Lord. 
Let my soul live to praise you, 
and may your ordinances help me. 
R. Your word is for ever, O Lord. 
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Lk 17, 20-25 

Jesus, on being asked by the Pharisees when the reign of God would come, replied: 
"You cannot tell by careful watching when the reign of God will
come. Neither is it a matter of reporting that it is 'here' or 'there.' The reign of God
is already in your midst." 
He said to the disciples: "A time will come when you will long to see one day of the Son of Man
but will not see it. They will tell you he is to be
found in this place or that. Do not go running about excitedly. The Son of Man in his
day will be like the lightning that flashes from one end of the
sky to the other. 
First, however, he must suffer much and be rejected by the present age." 

Lectionary for Mass, Copyright 


The Exultet, below is a very special prayer spoken ritually at the Easter Vigil. I made this graphic of it here to share with all! 

I like it especially because, although it is performed by Christians, it gives praise and honor to our roots in the Judaic feast of Passover, and so is truly exultant. 
For more about the Exultet, click here. 

Alleluja! ~ elle  
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