This page SAVES Announcment Bar Content - it is simply a working page - not to be published - for record of Details of sales , announcements and blurbs.
This page also allows me to reuse set terms of sales etc….by simply re-posting the content, where appropriate, that I have used before.

This page also allows me to “worksheet” - save drafts for upcoming sales, announcement and blurbs


this one from Giving Tuesday Nov 27th

ELLESMITH will donate $10 from your purchase price to one of her charities - and we may be able to give the donation to YOUR favorite charity, per your request.

this one was from Cyber Monday November 26th, 2018

Browse and choose your artwork then enter CYBERMONDAY code at checkout for 30% off any item

this one was from a Facebook post to prepare for Cyber Monday

Happy Thanksgiving Sunday Folk-

day of rest

browse for Deals on Cyber Monday

this is the Small Business Saturday Sales offer….smart to use it next year


30% discount ANY item enter SHOPSMALL at checkout
50% discount on items marked MINI - enter SMALL at checkout.