Only Daughter


I cannot believe my daughter is going to be "29-and-holding" tomorrow!   Again.    I am in memory, at this moment, in my front seat in NDCHS second honors room,  Latin one class, as Sister is welcoming us newbies. She would call us “rara avIs” , Latin for"rare birds", so we countered with the loving "SisterTerryGerry".  Fair.  Part of the lesson that day was the classic :  Conjugate the verb:  “amo, amas , amat…”   I love , you love, he, she or it loves…..and down the line of times and genders of the word to “AMANDA” … "she must be loved, or ought to be loved" .

Like   Arwen’s vision of her love,  and their son, Eldarion, in "Lord of the Rings”, I had seen our son, while outdoors one winter,  painting the white sun, yellow sky in a lovely Connecticut snow  - gasp - "OUR son!  I see our son! “  Rightness and love that works!   And then back to the painting.     I had seen his father, that summer before,  also while out painting.  That first time, it was June and it was the Bachelor Buttons , putting on so snazzy a show - I laughed, to see my one, true, love in my  mind’s eye while painting BACHELOR Buttons !  It was  four years later before we met, and all details of image in my mind's eye correct,  but I was his, right then,  and never wavered.  

And now, right there in freshman high school Latin class -  once more,  everything in me lit up!   Soundlessly singing in jubilation:  “ We have  a DAUGHTER!   And she’s petite…and her name is Amanda! And she must be loved” !!!!   One two three…… what could be simpler?   Husband, son and daughter!  Life and good work too!  Done and done and back to a girl's life carefree!

I forgot such things as visions,  because, later on, it's about taking good care of these gifts and bringing them to best fruition - visions are not realistic, not respectable -  even for a thing in  the early teens.   But, many happy years later,  there was sudden widowhood and as I built my new life all good memories grew in value and I remembered.  I respected, and I knew I was right to respect it now.

ONE TWO THREE…they did not disappoint!!!   Not even once!  

They are all gone to me now, but life is like that sometimes, but for twenty years, we knew the True Thing - and every day was a celebration and the good things for all we touched, I hope.

I miss them all, but do not dare fail to celebrate that it ever was.  May it be a proof that that the good thing is there and worth it.   May it bring happiness and all the good things , as it has, to every day  since.

“They can’t take that away from me.”  

Happy Birthday Amanda - you earned one!  Find me soon!

Thank you!  Your part of the days were wonderful!     from your Mother Elle February 17, 2016


Amy's portrait by me and photoshop at Christmas a decade ago....she was champ at clarinet, flute and recorder, and picked up piano from me, automatically somehow.   She said it was because she loved music but though her tiny lady voice too scre…

Amy's portrait by me and photoshop at Christmas a decade ago....she was champ at clarinet, flute and recorder, and picked up piano from me, automatically somehow.   She said it was because she loved music but though her tiny lady voice too screechy....not to me, but it's hers, so.


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