elle's GENE PITNEY FaceBook Timeline
I had a fan page for Gene Pitney at FaceBook - I'd been a fan since my Connecticut teens and late worked for his shows as a volunteer and met him at his last USA Show at the Bushnell in Hartford..... but then my work schedule tightened up and I needed to move it all here, to save time and money....enjoy this copy of the posts that follow here.
FOR HIS FANS...I can add posts here if you simply send them using the "Contact" link at this site and put GenePitney in the subject line.
Timeline For this New page.
Your new comments will go here....thank you so much for your interest.....elle fagan ellefagan.com
Timeline From the FaceBook page.
Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 3:57pm EST
I am told that I live near the Pitney son Chris - if he wants me to promote this page more than I do, or if he wants some of the portraits I did of Gene, he should let me know. Here or at my site ellefagan.com
Sunday, December 27, 2015 at 4:42pm EST
The fan club is reborn Details here http://www.genepitney.com/fanclub.html
Friday, December 18, 2015 at 1:58pm EST
Best wishes to Gene's family and all his fans at these Winter Holidays! Please feel welcome to visit my Stocking Stuffers at http://www.ellefagan.com Offering great short holiday stories at the blog and New items - Miniatures in folios that make nice gifts, too! Happy Holidays!
Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 8:21am EDT
At the time of Gene's passing , we chatted so much and were so moved by this loss, I was trying to give away a full-sized portrait of Gene for $75 - normaly around $350+++ depending. I am widowed and do my college trained work for my income help, so I calmed down a bit and ended the transaction. If there is any comment on it - here I am. It remains half-done in my studio in East Hartford Connecticut - will discuss completion. I may just finish it and donate it, if my other sales allow me to do that, financially. God bless Gene and his Family and all his friends and fans.
Saturday, February 28, 2015 at 1:54am EST
This page is new , so if you have friends with other Gene Pitney pages or interests, please share it around - the more the merrier. I do not want to self-promote here - for Gene and his fans and folk.
Friday, February 13, 2015 at 7:52pm EST
Valentines Rock Favorite - Connecticut born and raised Gene Pitney Rock and Roll Hall of Fame-er and all round good guy. Enjoy this page and links - from one I did long ago and upgraded here just to share - just a fan.
Friday, February 13, 2015 at 3:39pm EST
Gene Pitney "Just Fans" updated their cover photo.
Friday, February 13, 2015 at 3:36pm EST
Most Recent Gene Pitney story ~ 2015. See earlier ones elsewhere at this page. I am a fan and loyal: it was easy to be a fan of Gene Pitney! Thrilled at a chance to help with his last US show - at Bushnell Auditorium in Hartford Connecticut June 2005, and really thrilled to be among his adoring fans and crew backstage after the show and briefly meet Gene himself! The campaign for Gene in 2002 Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame induction kept his hometown Rockville, abuzz and active as possible and jubilant when he won in! Some of his team from time to time would graciously chat with me and generate the good energy. I kept in touch with international fans and even did sketches and a portrait of my favorite shot of the young Gene Pitney. Then in 2006 his early and sudden death - after a concert in Sydney, Australia, he rested and his heart preferred it be permanent. Shock waves went to the extremes for many of us - I was even interviewed on Australian Radio and at memorial events - and I finally had to pull down my page, cut off the painting and all club chat and simply get it in hand. After awhile, the Hundreds of emails in fanship and sympathy were only enflaming things - not really appropriate for one not closely related. And so.... this is nice almost ten years later to be fine with posting here gently and simply as fan forever. I still enjoy the music of Gene Pitney and groups mimic him in adulation in "gene pitney fan shows". When the singer's gone / may the song go on!
Friday, February 13, 2015 at 3:25pm EST
More Recent Gene Pitney Story ~1996 ~ ( see earlier 1966 story - just scroll down ) At my arts/helpingwork , as always, and home from fourteen honored years out-of-state, I was working at my art, and recently returned from ODS with The Red Cross, widowed for over ten years, our children off and doing fine. But I was taking as much care as I was giving, due to an injury that kept getting worse instead of better, and finally, a complete disability for a bit were prescribed, and this lady injured and frightened, found a heaven-home at a home for ambulatory disabled. Located in the airy hills of Northern Connecticut, I laughed for the first time in a while when the address of my new home was listed as "Rockville"! Rock'n'Roll days long gone but the flashback was quick and clear: "Gene Pitney", I thought, "The Rockville Rocket!" My spirits lifted - a good omen, and so far, it has held. The injuries healed, I have sunny place again of my own, and fine new work and new friends to share with the old. A very lucky lady!
Friday, February 13, 2015 at 3:19pm EST
Favorite Gene Pitney story~1966~ A choral performer with a smattering of several musical instruments, my mind was a website for words and music of the times in Girlhood in Fairfield Connecticut. My "steady" and future husband, from Wethersfield/WestHartford and I were enjoying conversation about Rock and Roll. ME: "Connecti-cats are soooooo "Powder Blue", we never do anything exciting...all the Rock Stars are from Philadelphia!" HE: "Are you saying that you have never heard of the 'Rockville Rocket'?" ME: "who?" HE:" GENE PITNEY, THE ROCKVILLE (CONNECTICUT) ROCKET!" ME: "WOW! an actual rockstar from our boring little state ! I know all his songs...but I didn't know he was from Connecticut!....maybe we're not so boring after all!"
Friday, February 13, 2015 at 3:11pm EST
Gene's last show in USA
Friday, February 13, 2015 at 3:09pm EST
Wikipedia on the subject - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Pitney
Friday, February 13, 2015 at 3:07pm EST
Long-lasting Aussie fan site https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/genepitneyaussie/info
Friday, February 13, 2015 at 3:04pm EST
Timeline for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame notes about Gene Pitney https://rockhall.com/inductees/gene-pitney/timeline/
Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 10:32pm EST
Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 10:31pm EST
Quick but thorough Wikipedia Biography for Gene Pitney http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Pitney
Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 9:57pm EST
Gene Pitney "Just Fans" at Various Places On Planet.
Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 9:54pm EST
Gene Pitney "Just Fans" updated their profile picture.