White Broom (Cytisus Albus)


White Spanish Broom (Cytisus Albus) is lovely and hardy and well-behaved - also called White French, White Italian and some really charming nicknames including “Six on Saturday” - and is used for wedding decor .

Watercolor on paper 11x18in ( 18x20” ) in its current frame.
Was part of the submission at AWS 2014 and has shown in small and large shows and finally ready to sell it.

I was misinformed in the name of this lovely flower - NOT Genista but Cytisus Albus. - As “Genista” it was submitted for consideration in a past American Watercolor Society Annual Competition / Exhibition. Just to include it means it is a very fine painting.

A good painting.
This item is non-returnable but you always Win with art: treasure it, gift or donate it for a tax deduction or resell it . re-sell it - win your money back and more - art appreciates!

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White Spanish Broom (Cytisus Albus) is lovely and hardy and well-behaved - also called White French, White Italian and some really charming nicknames including “Six on Saturday” - and is used for wedding decor .

Watercolor on paper 11x18in ( 18x20” ) in its current frame.
Was part of the submission at AWS 2014 and has shown in small and large shows and finally ready to sell it.

I was misinformed in the name of this lovely flower - NOT Genista but Cytisus Albus. - As “Genista” it was submitted for consideration in a past American Watercolor Society Annual Competition / Exhibition. Just to include it means it is a very fine painting.

A good painting.
This item is non-returnable but you always Win with art: treasure it, gift or donate it for a tax deduction or resell it . re-sell it - win your money back and more - art appreciates!

White Spanish Broom (Cytisus Albus) is lovely and hardy and well-behaved - also called White French, White Italian and some really charming nicknames including “Six on Saturday” - and is used for wedding decor .

Watercolor on paper 11x18in ( 18x20” ) in its current frame.
Was part of the submission at AWS 2014 and has shown in small and large shows and finally ready to sell it.

I was misinformed in the name of this lovely flower - NOT Genista but Cytisus Albus. - As “Genista” it was submitted for consideration in a past American Watercolor Society Annual Competition / Exhibition. Just to include it means it is a very fine painting.

A good painting.
This item is non-returnable but you always Win with art: treasure it, gift or donate it for a tax deduction or resell it . re-sell it - win your money back and more - art appreciates!