Welcome - Mission Statement

MORE of the many ways to enjoy Elle Fagan Art. - most share image galleries of special relevant artworkSPIRIT pages - one-line Bible quotes for quick rescues and multi-denominational stories and resources.

PATRIOT pages - AMERICA!  Some basic links and inspirations and RedCross helpers


Indoor painting events and classes - individual or group

En Plein Air - outdoor painting classes and events

ART WITH HEART -  to auction at Fundraising events.

Arts Services available through Elle Fagan Art

Awards and Honors won with the Artwork

Artsales Prices Terms Conditions 

Tips for the first-time Art Buyer


ARTIST BIO - PROFILE   - lifelong in it but this gives an overview - details on request. 

Reverse Timeline - present to beginnings

2021 - Promotion - after a hiatus, it is work to regain visitors and buyers but "With a little help ...". we are doing a fine job and expect to do better than ever. Please share the site url with friends and visit the readings, art and prints and printed items and buy some if you can.  Give to Elle Fagan Art as a fan/supporter - we WILL get there with your help it's so much easier and more fun!

2020  - virtual only - ACTUAL” SHOWS CANCELLED, THANKS TO COVID-19     We moved the huge Open Studio Hartford online but promotion was not easy thanks to covid - but the site we created and supported will be a strong backup tool for future shows. we hope.

2020 December 10th thru January 10th, 2021 -  “HOLLY SHOP ONLINE”  - the virtual equivalent of my popup in Glastonbury Center for the previous two years.  items and super stories and activities - video. Not a spectacular moment - at the Winter Holidays, it needs to be real.

So we did share some real spirit in all directions and kept it all super-positive and did just fine!

2019  HOLLY SHOP.  Winter Holiday Show and Sale at Main Street Office Center base in Glastonbury Connecticut.


2019 October - till November 14th - Elle Fagan ART ONE-WOMAN SHOW  at  The Gallery at Gateway Financial Partners  in Glastonbury Connecticut 06033.   My pre-op self enjoyed a quiet show and did make new friends and one nice sale.


2018 - orthopedic injury slowed the year, but the work went on and the basic shows at least.

FRIDAY DEC 14TH  & SATURDAY DEC 15TH , 2018    10am till 2pm   at 2389 Main Street Glastonbury CT 06033  FIRST HOLLY SHOP - tryout of a pop up event for the Holidays.
Seasonal art and small artful gifts, treats Carolling , poetry reading, Holiday Stories and more.

2018 November - my sixth time with this event - with 400 artists!  29th OPEN STUDIO HARTFORD November 3-17th

September was about my first local ONE-WOMAN SHOW -September 22, 2018  in Glastonbury Center -  it  was a very  happy day ! 


2017  In Hiatus - mostly remote and Selected Internet work.

October 2016 - Certificate - course in comedy;  Ongoing arts workshops and studies; 

Universities : Fairfield University, University of Bridgeport and East Carolina University, Connecticut Business Institute, Pitt Community College.

Awards and Honors:   Art at the White House 2007 - regular prizes

“IN” Business Address  327A Maple StreetEast Hartford, Connecticut 06118-2732

Days and Hours EST:  Monday - by Appointment;    Tuesday - Friday  10am-6pm;   Saturday - by Appointment;    Sunday & Monday - Closed.

2017 November - 28th OPEN STUDIO HARTFORD - my fifth year of participation in this blockbuster event to promote Arts and Kickoff the Holiday Season / shopping.

2017 October - Promotional Basket of Miniatures on mini-easels at a Glastonbury Connecticut Shop

2017 September - Promo Vendor Day was fun at my fitness center - HealthTrax in Glastonbury Connecticut!

2017 Spring / Summer - TAAF for Aneurysm ,

2017 Spring TINY MIRACLES fundraising to help with Premature Birth needs....


Six shows and some new work.   Details on request  The new work in the new home is a fact -  in spite of surprises of all sorts and destruction of the old website and finally the old iMac.   

2014  First Sales in New Home!  The work , the life and the health and the shows all emerged and showed nicely, but at year's end were star-crossed by a criminal hacking at my honored website 1999 - 2014

2013   Teaching at Jo-Ann Fabrics - watercolor and acrylic painting and brush care.  Thanks to one of my students:

 New homeoffice and studio in new Town - in East Hartford at the Glastonbury town line in Connecticut, USA - After recovering from the worst of a disability, I enjoyed a wonderful "Mill on the Hill" studio for a bit and three other temp arrangements, before finding  the fine new place!
It is a half a house on a garden that rolls down to Historic Porter Brook.    The sunny view includes lots of protected wildlife and art at the site shares some of it all.



July - Significant mention in newly-published biography of Sculptor Dick Wiken - I restored some of his work.

- New art and new art, site updates and

- FIRST Elle Fagan Art "En plein Air" class at the falls.

Another First - attendance at Greater Hartford Arts Council's Annual Meeting.

June - Twins! The Grand Opening of the long-awaited Vernon Community Arts Center on the 9th was quite the gala -I am volunteer and group leader/instructor there. And the equally anticipated "Lighting of the Falls" - step one in the Falls Park Restoration Project per RDA/Design, of which I am a proud member.

May - Another lifetime honor - "My Connecticut Story" won me a call to the Old State House at the Capitol in Hartford to take a bow, as the Governor launched the new State Tourism Program for optimization of the Connecticut Life. Of the hundreds who submitted, I was humbled and proud to find that I was one of five chosen.

April - Rockville General Hospital Show with a focus on Photography honored me with the opportunity to help with judging and hanging the show.

March - I am a new member of the Rockville Downtown Association's Design Committee re: the Restoration of the Historic Falls area to a lovely park for all! My studio is at the Mill on the Falls and I believe deeply in this project and delighted that they have asked me to contribute some of my art to fundraise.

February - Watercolor Show at Rockville General Hospital - submitted spring florals as Artist this time.

January - Begin teaching Jo-Ann Fabric Buckland Plaza in Manchester Connecticut under Traci Marcotte



December - Will Teach at Jo-Ann Fabric Watercolor and Craft Classes at Buckland Mall in Manchester, Connecticut. Life-altering news - I have a surprise Daughter-in-law and she's British

November - Judge at Autumn image show at Rockville General Hospital. Also: noteworthy Manchester Road Race Female Walker crossed the finish line not even out of breath! Will Run, not Walk next year! Fitness project is a second job but working - artist is fit and able to do her business right after recovering from spinal cord injury.

October - Breast cancer awareness project with 32 other area artists won notoriety for a moment but did it job well - hung at Manchester Memorial Hospital October till Christmas and will go "on the road" Spring 2012. Saves lives. Worth it.

September - Biz license up and things in place and in spite of delays thru a record-breaking winter, the artwork from the new studio is planned and some begun.

NEW Work! Small sales and commissions - involvement every month ahead.

April Participation in Fundraiser at the famed Salmagundi Club on 5th Avenue in New York City for benefit Red Cross Japan Relief

Visit and meetings at the 144th American Watercolor Society Exhibition at their Salmagundi club base. I will show with them in 2012 I think.

Sales and Marketing projects and at the easel at the wonderful studio at the Mill on the Hill at the Falls. A good year is happening in spite of the economy.



Four moves during the process of becoming UNdisabled - not much power to do the art shows.

New studio at the falls in Vernon Rockville Connecticut - SBA counselors helped me regain consciousness

No longer disabled - Elle Fagan Arts can grow again!

New Member of the American Watercolor Society - this is a "newbie" spot I am an Associate Member till certain criterion are met.

Hartford Arts Council Fund Raiser - Farmers Market painting sold to raise over 800 dollars for the cause.


NEW Gallery46 in Rockville is OPEN - lots of great work setting it up, including a seven-foot geranium to make a faux window treatment for the garden.

Groups of paintings of a friend's garden while in transit.

After long disability, I am freer and quite fit again, to do my work and personal life!

December Winter Holiday pages upgrade and a Happy Holiday Season!

November ~ Invitation to submit to the CCCT-Arts Division State of Connecticut Artist Fellowship - meetings and submission.

October ~ Completion of 'Portrait of Comfort Inn, Vernon, CT"

September ~ Meetings to obtain new funds for Arts Marketing

New CoolIris Cinematic Display of Available Works is Implemented!

August ~ Artsite Store completes setup of Zazzle Affiliation for easy online sales of Merchandise imprinted with Elle Fagan Art.

July ~ First sales through "Fine Art America" !

June ~ New work! Floral series from a special local garden - soon to appear at the Floral Gallery at this site!

May ~ "Window Painting - Cafe Life" for Cafe Lafayette Restaurant in Vernon,Connecticut - my first 30-foot artwork!

April - "Tolland Rainy Day" won a nice donation for the American Red Cross at its Annual Fundraising Gala in Hartford, Connecticut

March - Affiliation with Fine Art America to format and share Prints of Elle Fagan Art

February ~ new restorative projects for private clients

January - Officially NOT disabled! But in four different temporary arrangements while the legal is accomplished.



- Lifetime Honor! 2007 Artisan for Connecticut to the White House State Easter Eggs Display

Honored to have met First Lady, Laura Bush at the opening of the show, which included a tour and luncheon - proud to have daughter along for that day, on son on cell in California.

Enjoy the story and images at this link

My submission and its other state fellows archived now at the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas, Texas! Thanks to so many who helped. 

Stop in at Easter and you may see it displayed again to add to the Season!

- Restoration of Saint Bernard's Church 60-year-old Nativity Figures. July - December, 2007  The project involved 14 Life-sized figures, with lots of challenging tech and study required. The most purely delightful assignment, and a happy surprise:  Provenance research showed that the group was fancier than anyone guessed!

A blessing and generator of fine parish community feeling. 


Holiday Festival ~ Donation of "Connecticut Waterfall" to Saint Bernard's Church Silent Auction to Benefit the School. 

Creation and Sale of local Historic-themed Artworks.

"Forsythia" won "First Place ~ Watercolor" for Elle Fagan at the Rockville (CT) General Hospital Gallery Spring Show!

 As always, one way or another, Artsite's ArtWithHeart is active! Your Purchase Can Help ! 


Rockville General Hospital Gallery's Summer Show Includes work by Elle Fagan!   Won a best in show.

In the good company of: Penny Brandt, Christine Garthwaite, Leslie A McMahon,Eileen L. O'Connor, Paul Shimer, Gisela Troisi, Randy Anagnostis, David Halmers, Rebecca Dufilie, Bill Riordan, Jane Wallor Collins, and Ginny Emerson. 

Gallery is located near the Hospital Gift Shop on the new lower level! 31 Union Street in Vernon, Connecticut. Questions? Show Co-ordinator Rockville Downtown Association will be delighted to help! RDA - Phone/Fax (860) 875-7439 - Email: rdaCT@hotmail.com 


NEW PAGE! "Available Works" ~ Images-only Shortlist for Quick Image-browsing!  

New Commissioned works include "Mother Teresa 2007" and "Blue Gene", a Benefit project in Memory of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Member, Gene Pitney.

Restoration of the Life-sized Nativity Figures for Saint Bernard's Church in Rockville, Connecticut, is a Summer Project, and a Labor of Love... I am the lady with paint in her hair, and delighting in it! 

back to top

Some 2006 shows and projects have included: 

The work-part of being the Connecticut USA Artisan for the 2007 White House Easter Egg Display,and my submission completed in December.

USA-Patriotism.com awarded a Contributor's Badge to Patriotsite 

First Craft Instructions Book Development - a work in progress. Watch for news of publication. 

New Affiliate of Aplus.net, my isp of many years, so I can support them in confidence. 

Participation in the Rockville Cultural Arts Exhibit - April 

New Affiliate of Knowth.com and its Amazon.com offerings for research and pleasurein books about all things Celtic. One of the best on earth!

New Affiliate: "Jackson & Perkins 'Roses For A Cause' fits right in with Artsite icons and its "Art With Heart" offerings. 

"Art With Heart" has become an entity at "Ellefagan.com",and 2007 should see more serious expansion of its activities.

 2005     Private commissions this past year have focused onPets, including

Award for "Horse in a Brown Study", in November 2005

A special private memorial pup portrait

A private "Family Group" ~ of lifetime pets

other works, details on request 

Hurricane Katrina spurred fundraising for response, from this lifelong redcross-er, and thru eBay, private fundraising and outright of gifts of art for other groups to use for their own fundraising, one thousand dollars was raised...just me an' my Mac, and the beginning of "Art With Heart" in early 2006 

New active member of the noted Saatchi Gallery "Your Gallery" based in London, UK ~ Participation in their ongoing "Showdown" ~ a happy gathering of art and artists in lite competition, of fine energy!  

2005 - Invision Graphics Site Award 

Artshow: "Celebrate the Arts Festival" in Vernon, Connecticut,sponsored by Crossroads Community Church 

Artshow: "Cultural Arts Event" thru RDA and ECSC at TKB Club in Rockville, Connecticut. 

Great and respectful honor!One of my paintings now hangs at the State of Connecticut Capitol Administrative Building in Hartford.

2004 - My first nice overseas sale - to private client in Ireland, and friends since! 

2004 - permanent gallery representation - Lafayette CoffeeShop - Lafayette Square - Vernon, CT 

Spring / Summer 2004 - Local artshows, "Artist of the Month" Crystal Blueprint April / May + Lafayette Coffee Shop Patriotic Holidays Display + Private Commissions 

Autumn / Winter 2003-04 - First Arts Auction and Arts Marketing Ad Development 

Spring / Summer 2003 - private commissions and fair weather shows 

2003 - Test-Market First Offline Auction Event was very nice but not successful. Learned a lot, and will do it again...enjoying online auctions for Benefit, for now. 

I like workshops and tech upgrades, research and study, and have used all of themto assure fine quality arts and understandable interactive. 

Winter 2002-03 - private commissions and website work for ellefagan.com


Autumn 2002 - Rockville, CT Fall Festival 


Summer 2002 -Rockville Downtown Association Offices - one-woman display 


Spring 2002Hartford, CT, Tolland County Arts Association Sidewalk Artsale 

1997- 2002  were disabled years and yet these works were done:


 2000   Elle Fagan Test Marketing - June   First glimmer of the goals, and in a back brace from the accident underneath. 

Snow Sculpture and crafts and Website-making basics study  at Elm Hill Manor Home for Ambulatory Disabled

Neighborhood Artsale at Condo community for post-Elm Hill time - including unsought-adventure

Private fine art commissions from new neighbors at Grove Court Bunglows in Vernon

Vernon arts events 

Tolland County Arts Events


 1987 - 1996   Adventure Girl Arts     It's a story - will link to it here, soon.     Widowed suddenly and too soon, with two early teens, all of us with extreme shock issues, at first, we recuperated and then we had returned to the place that had been  our home state for over a century , Connecticut,  and recuperated from bereavement and recession-setback, estate money went to our children and then, feeling fine about it all, went jogging back to work to make new money.....and then ....

1984 - 1986    HOME in Connecticut - reorganizing

1981-1984     Nearly out of business.  Death, illness , recession, struck me and our children and then the recession delivered the knockout punch and we were patients, working part time as possible and losing money, but 

1970 - 1984    Wellcome North Carolina RTP/Greenville -   ARTS LIFE ACTUALIZED   HOME LIFE ACTUALIZED IN PERFECT SYNC  nobody gets that , but we did!


1966 - 1970   Coming of Age -    Connecticut work and    Studies, Wedding, War Service , Red Cross, First Born, Viet Nam, Second Born, Wellcome, New York


1952-1965   "Artiska" - first work, an early art path , family and fine schools and mentors.

1947 - 1952   Glowing beginnings  "Done by Ellen" 


=======end of ABOUT=========


This page shares a collection of videos and other show reports - ads , etc…. enjoy! elle

9th Annual Art4AIDS at Hartford Connecticut Artspace Gallery - Once they've been to this one, they come back every year. The Art 4 AIDS event is held each year at the huge Hartford Artspace Gallery - a perfect venue for this statement of support for efforts to rid the world of AIDS, its stigma, its abandoned ones.


Welcome to Bohemia - Rites of Spring May 10-2014. This video shares a clockwise stroll through an event at TheaterWorks on Pearl Street in Hartford , Connecticut. Visual and performance art team to create the celebratory energies for a wonderful Spring!l Two of the paintings are Elle Fagan Art = Forsythia and Genista floral paintings.


More “Welcome to Bohemia” = ARTIST TALK ONE : Artists whose work is represented at this show were invited to tell about it, at the opening reception - TheaterWorks Pearl Street Hartford Connecticut USA there are two more of these - numbered.


More “Welcome to Bohemia” ARTIST TALK TWO: Artists whose work is displayed in this show were invited to talk about it for a moment each. The visual arts display was part of a life celebration of Spring - music, food, beverages, stilt-walker, face-painter at the famous TheaterWorks on Pearl Street in Hartford Connecticut USA.