"all of the fun with none of the guilt" cookbook
Just the start here - send me yours to add to it if you lke.
For a diet that brims with health for all ages where weight loss and top nutrition is desirable. Low calorie, minimal gluten, tons of variety to win over boredom, affordable, Most of the ideas take under 15minutes to prepare, with healthy handy ingredients and wildly delicious flavor! Some feature your preferences for amount of ingredients and more. They borrow from all the popular diets and hopefully inspire you to turn loose your own imagination, once you get the knack. This is a starter page and you are welcome to contribute in the comments - if it fits my goal here, I will get your permission to add it to the book. When we collect enough here, we can develop more for venues for it, with profit to contributors - perhaps. Recipes and tips will appear here at their pace....elle
Chocolate orange Yogurt mousse
The richness of Chocolate mousse at under 100 calories per serving. Prep time: ten minutes. Ingredients in bold.
0% fat Plain Greek Yogurt - to one cup in a small mixing bowl, add three tablespoons of
100% powdered cacao unsweetened chocolate, a teaspoon
vanilla extract, sprinkle of
salt - Sweeten to taste with your choice of
sweetener - I use one Tablespoon of real sugar, but most artificial sweeteners are fine, as well. I do not recommend Stevia for it - it may bite. Gently blend ingredients. DONE - At serving time, turn into three or four dessert dishes and top with
fresh orange zest and serve cool or at room temp.
The blend of flavors is a very exciting and tasty with a bit of black coffee or tea alongside - like water for chocolate indeed. And elegant evening thing, I think - when it is time to relax and enjoy - alone or with friends, it creates a special moment.
Half measure for full measure of Pleasure
Whatever it is, just halve it - not all at once, but you'd be surprised at how easy it is to diet off some of the sneaky stuff that attaches itself to the middle after fifty, or if you must slow down or be still for a bit. Yikes! And yet you do not need to suffer - stay calm, and enjoy your life - or why trouble at all ???? Then, pick a starting point and just start out cutting all you eat in half - begin with things like butter use: condiments and sides that we take for granted throw the calories up the wall so easily it's unfair. But you can win and enjoy it too: at the 120 calories a tablespoon, use a teaspoon of it instead and WIN. If you usually have two burgers have one - with tasty beef as low fat as possible and stick to fresh veggies for toppings and watch the mayo - if you must have some, just use half of what you'd normally do.
It's so easy - if you just stay cool, half the calories in this pleasurable way, you will lose weight and be able to keep it off. Of course a diet diary is smart: make notes till you are into your stride in it about the food and the exercise: Increasing mobility is key and that way you feel better immediately and so are likely to stay with your plan.
Hydrate for weight loss and low pain
Keep water handy - plain, filtered, or add a squirt of lemon juice - just a bit so that when you taste it you do not want it sweetened. My carafe is old and hold exactly one quart, so I know what I have taken. A dieting body will lose some overeating urges with the waters, and it helps slough off the waste produced when we diet. Since you may be exercising more, the key to success is sipping a bit of water every few minutes.