Mother's obituary here:    Albina Pauline ( or Appolonia ) Filanowski Backiel Smith Duffy - beloved, confirmed, orphaned, adopted and married twice - is what the names say.

Mother’s passing data:

Date 12/10/2017


Place:  Park House Nursing Home  Royersford PA 

First the url for it at the Connecticut Post , but urls can fade, so there follow screenshot and other formats to be sure the obituary is there for us...I will also be sure her things are on thumb drives and dvd.....  The POST url - click here

Obiturary - MOTHER - Albina December 11-2017.png

The thing with longevity is that one outlives one's money and ones friends and family, mother said.  She was neither happy or sad about it, but there it is....

And so only three signatures in her obit Guest Book -  1. mine, her eldest  2. Betty Hickox, a god-daughter to Mother, my cousin and wedding maid of honor     3. one of Mother's friends from her Washington State years.    

Yes, there have been cards to us, her children and notes at Facebook and email, though. Some I may share here, for my own memory...and grateful for them. 

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