February 19, 2020

Writing this During February / Black History Month 2020
This week, I was asked if I agreed that some of Lincoln's Statements against Slavery were similar to those against Abortion.

I am very pro-life and YES - Abortion and Slavery ARE similar in many ways. Both deny the right to life to the point of having the right to cause death. 

I include my notes on it here, but you do not need to read them - you must be very busy. But I have a strong statement to Add to the mix:

YES, I can truly support the Life of the unborn - entirely too well! The unborn and aging are symbiotic! 

The photo here of a famous Preemie is my latest superstar, angel and mentor!

She must increase and, aging, I must decrease - but by the hand of God and Nature and Nurture - NOT NOT NOT by the hand of others committing cruel acts - PERIOD!

Would any sane person harm a hair on the tiny head or squelch the heart of the celbrator of life? Of course not - and yet, she is exactly the level of body development that is murdered in late-term abortions. But not this one! She made it!

If she can triumph like that, shame on me if I fail.

ABORTION is a human right violation of the worst kind - denying the constitutional right to life of ones who cannot defend themselves.
Since Cain and Abel's story, all decent lands avow: "I AM MY BROTHER'S KEEPER" 

"I am my brother's keeper" is written into the basic laws of every good land.  
Such laws themselves are the source of every fine moment we enjoy! 

We ASSUME we have the right to enjoy faith in others, friendship, love, marriage, partnership, health optimizing, celebration, growth, and maturation. 

Every one of these moments we treasure and create and have grown to expect. Every one of them is sourced in the Right to Life and the Responsibility to support one another and protect and defend.

Slavery denies rights to self-direct in one's life, in every way possible, after birth - a basic right - to the point of death. 
Slave owners did not kill their slaves more than they did because they cost a lot of money. But still many were murdered for any reason the owner thought just. 

Slavery makes a person a thing - some say all of us are more an entity, more like a thing than like a person, anyway, but then someone also says that's our fault and our choice. Is it?

But when things degenerate, so that we feel dehumanized, we have the obligation to say so and make improvements and changes.

Who can - who will speak for the PreBorn? ALL of us have the OBLIGATION to speak for them. They cannot speak for themselves yet. " I am my brothers' keeper" is never truer.

I think that Older Americans are EXACTLY the easy heroes for the Right to life. Both feel a threat to the right to life.

When this image caught on all over the internet, it found me.  She inspires me!  She is almost four  years old now and still thriving and has a baby brother - not preemie. No fear - both are loved. Praying for all the vulnerable - including me.

When this image caught on all over the internet, it found me. She inspires me! She is almost four years old now and still thriving and has a baby brother - not preemie. No fear - both are loved. Praying for all the vulnerable - including me.

Even a supportive modern society oppresses older people. 
Because statistics say that "living to be 100" and older is the way of it. But if the failing begins at the sight of the first gray hairs, the result is not freedom - it's just one more way of being society's prisoner. 

My people tend to long life and not all of them enjoy perfection in any way: not the richest, or the smartest, or the most fit in many cases - but we last long, dancing or limping. Life says we are valid if we choose a rocking chair or rock wall climbing for the later year of our lives, but there is so much discouragement!

I thought I'd found some of the right stuff in AARP but when I looked into it further - it's run by "the children" and not okay with me to buy into just one more "Pat on the head" for a dear old lady experience.

It is not empowering if the empowerment is actually one more scenario of youngsters giving oldsters permission to do stuff.

I am talking with AARP to see what they have to say at my observation that its essential mandate may be a lie, in direct contradiction to its stated goals.

I am not talking about bravado - if the baton in hand needs to get to the finish line in record time, I pass it to someone who can do it. Commonsense. In my redcross work, I have been delighted to do tasks to support the youngsters still running to ground zeros, having no desire to become an added victim to be saved, because my knee gave out when I tried to run and help. I donate my art to fundraise for them, I Help at HQ in backup tasks for education and materials when it is badly needed, and more when I can.

My arts business is not a Hobby, but finely trained through colleges and mentors and award-winning and shows worldwide. I chose it as a girl because I was said to be gifted and talented and was supported for its development - it was a neat path, with tons of options that would fit my life "womb to tomb".

I have done my best to put it to work lifelong and have a fine and happy history. And beloved family and spouse till his death and children till their empty nesting.

My works in art have been put to super use in family, schools, church, and military, and red cross and one at the White House - they hang worldwide and have won top prizes.

I did not realize why I was feeling so RIGHT in supporting the rights of the unborn. They MUST have a right to wrap their tiny fists around the fingers of those who care.

I speak up for the Right to Life of the unborn regularly, in part, because I love them. In part because I am at risk as well!

I love the right-minded activists, for their valiant actions to do the right thing and save the world back up from the death place.

Now I am finding my own smile, as the infant in this photo smiles and empowers me. 
Bye for now.




That much can be won immediately...then better with continued action. 

In my heart with honors in my Catholic education grades 2-12 and Catholic action always, I believe that once a life is underway no one has the right to deny it. Life begins at conception.

But I do support required education and birth control and safe morning-after actions, and even the safe 'morning after' options would be rarely needed if education and birth control were in full use. Why is it so far-fetched to REQUIRE people to be responsible for NOT getting pregnant unless it was their right and their time and their preference? REQUIRE BY LAW - certainly better than murdering our own.

It is 2020 - one must go pretty far into the woods to find women who truly do not know better and cannot obtain birth control. 

We won't let a person drive a vehicle without permission but we let people create life unhampered, uneducated and unfit to care for the life...wildly dumb. 

Elle Smith Fagan

As a girl, my education related to childbirth was ahead of its time because of death and injury in childbirth in the family. It worked - it was sensitive and expert - my parents were amazing in their actions on this with me. We had the books and the doctors including Andreas Lazlo, around 1955, whose afternoon teas at our home are alive again for me today: He spoke with respect and passion for his research - which turned up some really amazing stuff for his time. He shared it in his book but was "ahead of the times" to the point where he was called a wacko and suppressed. Today, the findings he shared are in ordinary use!
......but NOT exactly my favorite : this one I remember: on one of his trips to Africa he encountered a tribe of working people that included the women. They took a tea once a month that released the 4ounces of the typical menses in half a day. They stayed in on that day, and were said to be "on well". Then back to work with the other women. Of course, if the woman was trying to get pregnant, she skipped the tea, and worked around it. 

It was natural, socially and physically simple and safe - embraced by the whole tribe. 

It worked.  
They treasured their babies and an easier lifestyle. 

If we can get past this time of making a hacking mess of it all, to something like this, well then...IT'S ABOUT LIFE!

The book with this story exists - try to find it - it was suppressed in 1955 when it first appeared but is honored now - "Doctors, Drums and Dances" by Doctor Andreas E. Laszlo.

ELLESMITH Elle Fagan Art
Member: Connecticut River Valley Chamber of Commerce https://www.crvchamber.org

website  ellefagan.com

Office Studio: 327A Maple Street East Hartford, Connecticut 06118
Phone: 1-860-918-7773  
facebook https://www.facebook.com/ellefaganart
Skype, FaceTime, GoogleHangouts on request