Albina & Charlie Feb 4

The Zodiac’s Romantics met while working a temp job during WWII , in their hometowns. Mother was now “The Southport Belle” and beloved because she’d been double orphaned at 6 and 9, and suffered during the Great Depression, only to find she was a modest heiress in her day, when she came of age. Her many siblings and extra mommies kept things nice and she evolved into a love and family of her own. Dad’s Pride in service to the Army Air Corps as “Smitty the Flight mechanic” found him popular and longing for a love of his own. Once they met, that was it. And they were fine for many years of the very best love, and richness of homelife to share with their three children, and in good times and bad the love was a power and light.

I could write stories of our parents’ antics and delights and tragedies and sorrows and fights and wins and losses for one year. They were smart, loving, young and fun! All three of their children wanted a LIFE because of their example. And that is what counts. Each day began and ended with care and affection ! Father singing “Have I told you lately that I love you?” fixed everything, when it went off. with Mother a perfect helpmate making love an action word with smiles and work and more. Till time and partings changed them to “friends only” later in life with new spouses …still they loved and were there for us all - always.

Share your stories here of your parents..maybe one line that stays in your heart invincible!

Father out of uniform finally, wars over - and Mother in her Chantilly lace ! Yes!

Father out of uniform finally, wars over - and Mother in her Chantilly lace ! Yes!

Elle Smith Fagan

Elle Smith Fagan or Ellesmith or Elle Fagan Art - lifelong with honors

Best wishes to all who visit this site. my online home since 2002 My site here (2014-present) is heaven and my old one (1999-2014) was mostly my own code; Squarespace arts-friendly templates make it so much easier - Happy Lady- thanksomuch!


Valentine Labyrinth feb 3


Siblings feb 5