Everything Perfect...
The White House shared the basic traditions again this Christmas this past week and we can proud of the way our President and First Lady have presented some of the Beauty of the Season ! And now to do my part of sharing . A Christmas Remembrance of our Mother's Holiday way!
She'd hug and smile and charm us, and with Dad, gather we three to action, whispering
The Angel Nebula per APOD NASA Painting by ElleFagan2015
"Everything perfect for Jesus" as we prayed,
"Everything perfect for Jesus" as we planned the weeks ahead
"Everything perfect for Jesus" as we cooked,
"Everything perfect for Jesus" as we studied,
"Everything perfect for Jesus" as we cleaned and
"Everything perfect for Jesus" as we cleaned even more,
"Everything perfect for Jesus" as we helped sign, seal and deliver the Holiday cards, never fewer than in the hundreds!
"Everything perfect for Jesus" , we shopped and
"Everything perfect for Jesus" , we decorated and "Everything perfect for Jesus" , we decorated more,
"Everything perfect for Jesus", we set up the Family Creche , and on Christmas Eve, made the procession in our home, carrying the lace-wrapped figure of the Infant Jesus from secret place to the Manger, beneath the star!
"Everything perfect for Jesus" as then it was on to the Glorious Midnight Mass and the parties before and after and visited and hosted and visited and hosted more, from Thanksgiving till Three Wise Men on January 6th!
With such an experience of it even an inescapable winter cold was painless!
When we grew up and won nice ways in the world from all her work with us, we could wish, an empower, even better.
In our updated world - at this one time of year ALLcould be ONE:
Everything perfect for Channukah,
and Kwanzaa,
and Ramadan
and Solstice that goes back to times when no one knew the word itself but knew perfectly what it meant, what needed to be done and that it must be celebrated and honored to make the LIFE message an enduring one.
Of course:
When they call it Golden Friday, not dystopian Black Friday, they will get me back - ditto changing the lazy evil Mondays off to well-earned Fridays off, then.....
AND YET.... thanks to our parents and the seasons of "Everything perfect for __________" for everyone in one form or other, this holiday is Golden inside and our and holy and humble and proud and full of love and all the good things!
I passed on the traditions with my own husband and children and now with my "upper midlife world" and am fine!
I like it very much that the Winter Holiday begins with Thanks - the year's progress and events and achievements and winnings all "put by" to keep us till spring.
Doing it this way, the weather may chill but , thanks to the Glory o of the Winter Holidays and the powers behind it, the people remain warm in every way,
We glow
We rejoice
We bond
We gift
We play
We Pray
We restore ourselves, our tools and our plans till the gift of another Glorious Spring !
We lost Mother two Decembers ago and yet NOT and never - not as long as we remember the one who CARED to engage in the gift of LIFE with full heart and fully shared, and not a empty remembrance but in continuing her life in us and in passing on to the next generation, her wonderful thoughts words and deeds!
elle Christmas 2019