Thanksgiving Films
I noticed that there simply are not that many top movies about Thanksgiving - all the older films give in to the Stereotypical Tale of Pilgrims and Indians. The story is true, more or less, and powerful and happy and full of hope from its inspiration of the triumph of the human soul in adapting to new environments and making friends with foreign people.
But there are not really all that many of them and particularly compared to the other main history and holiday fare.
This one, after a really discouraging beginning, gets really good…..PBS American Experience….
It captured me when it shared the story of John Howland
JOHN HOWLAND was Pilgrims' ship Mayflower passenger, an indentured servant. IN the storms at sea they endured, John Howland was tossed overboard in lurching moment of the ship, in a gale en route to the New World.
He was able to grab a rope and hang on, though he was dragged under mightily, and was hauled back on board......and survived.
He made it to the New World and thrived, worked off his indenture and became a pillar of the community. He then married Elizabeth Tilley and with her, parented 10 children, 88 Grandchildren, and over the next 4 centuries, they were descended by 2 million Americans, including both Bush Presidents, Emerson, the Mormons' founder, Joseph Smith, Franklin Roosevelt , Humphrey Bogart, Chevy Chase,....etc... all because one man grabbed a halyard and lived thru a stormtoss!
God Bless America! May we always have hope and work our best and love the destinies, accepting their wisdom as empowering, and may be always see the opportunities they bring!
The film then goes on to reveal TRUTH of the voyage, first encounters with land and its people, disease , confusion, betrayals , and death …but then the final success of the basic goal, while failing the goal of Spiritual perfection.
Worth it.