May 24th 2021- Sharing Birthday memory
I remember with gratitude, the happy childhood birthdays and the joyful place the world became for me on those days! Spring and things in bloom and people I loved who loved me nearby to share the fine celebrations Mother and Dad would cook up! Pretty dresses, and white cakes with pink icing and candles to blow out - and more each year! Fun and music and sharing affections and gifts!
So it was easy for me to pass that on with my late husband and our own children later on. And when it was my turn to be the Birthday person, not one moment of the day was wasted!
My husband and children swooping into out master bedroom with the good breakfast tray with flower and breakfast and gifts and cards in its side pockets, would unfold hteir plans for me for the day! If it was a weekday, it meant songs on the way to school carpool and cheery greetngs from many friends at work and social moments and a stuffed mailbox full of cards to keep me busy at break time and lunch with friends and then after school and work were done with us, the fun. Gift openingss and treats and then off to dinner and a show or sometimes just a close evening at home with friends, and the day over too soon!
Such memories are worth every moment’s effort - today they are pure gold in photos and in my spirit - they are vitamins that never age or quit!
But this year….this year!
Last May, covid was new and I was doing my small part with arts and redcross always and being reallly good at minding the mandates.
I’d just been given the good to go after a knee fix, when it was “ sheltrer at home, everyone”. It seems like an eon ago, no?
And no day was free from prayer for blessings and for the end of the pandemic, for the creation of the vaccine, and for the ability to learn the good lessions in such times.
As a survivor of a life-threatening bout of the Fort Dix viral pneumonia outbreak in 1966, I found it easy to be reallly mindful of all rules.
And now it is one year after covid took over our lives and though it is not “All clear” yet - we all have reason to rejoice!
The vaccines are here and I get my second dose tomorrow - what bettrer birthday gift than a better chance at being here for my next birthday!
This morning someone found me with a real eye-opener: many who have been working at remote offices don’t want to come back! It may be sociological evolution but mostly I am guessing it’s an odd form of PTSD. The virus is gone but we’ll be repairing the collateral damages from it for quite a while yet. God bless and keep us all through it!
Happy May!