Note on the January 6th Capitol Riots Hearing this week.
My forefathers told me "Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear!"
This memory of loving little lessons came to mind today, re: the January 6th Capitol riot.
The hearings are as sickening at the event. Do better.
CDC and wise leaders will tell you that normally spirited political rallies DURING a Terrifying Pandemic Lockdown were GUARANTEED to "mess up", to put it mildly.. My Mother woudl have said "What did they expect?"
BUT THERE WAS WILD FRAUD DURING THE 2020 ELECTION - any other statement is a LIE.
Caused by the “workarounds” for safe voting during the pandemic - many took advantage and tampered with results - bizarrely in a few incidets I SAW.
Those days will NEVER be perfectly resolved - they were unheard of moments in our beautiful and proud history and will probably be only reconciled - never resolved - with compensations to those who were directly injured and deep apology from ALL SIDES that such a moment could occur.
I worked at polls " in the south in a town without a bar and handcast ballots" and others...I SEEEE.
And somehow when some of the badstuff happenend I happened to be privy, but since I am older and was a risk, I said almost nothing at the time, other than "HEY THEY ARE CHEATING AND NO ONE IS STOPPING THEM' !
My feeble lockedown voice was about as effiective as "I'm telling my Mother"
But If I had been running for public office and the fate of a nation and a fortune spent on the campaign, and was forced to idly watch as the process was so abused, and truth and honesty violated so wildly, I would have "lost it in a meltdown ,too"
Shakespeare's "How like is god is man when mercy tempers justice!" I remember from high school drama class role as I am again, to reprise, swan song or no.