ART SERVICES     - Elle Fagan Art features her visual artworks and writings plus the range of related arts services and the popular fund raiser for your group - Art With Heart. Elle’s work is lifelong with honors all the way to the White House. She is college and masters trained and a member or past member of half a dozen famous arts organizations. She longs to hear from you!

  -  REPRODUCTIONS Prints and Imprinted Merchandise -  Commissions -  Restorations -  Instruction -  Groups &  "En Plein Air" -  Art With Heart

- Commissions accepted - Restorations - Crafts - The Writings - Instruction - Groups En Plein Air - Art Quality Prints - Imprinted Items - Show Co-ordination - "Art With Heart" - New to Art Ownership CareNotes - Privacy and Mission Statement

- Commissions accepted - Restorations - Crafts - The Writings - Instruction - Groups En Plein Air - Art Quality Prints - Imprinted Items - Show Co-ordination - "Art With Heart" - New to Art Ownership CareNotes - Privacy and Mission Statement

The Writings

- Blogstories

- Spirit

- Patriot

- Artnotes

- Family

- Romance

- Adventure




Click here to Printed Elle fagan Art Items by sub-contractor, Fine Art America

Fine Art America , or FAA hosts my PRINTED ARTS ITEMS - so you can own them less expensively.
Prints on paper, or canvas and your selection of mats and frames - all under UV glaze.
FAA formats and ships guaranteed for safe delivery to your address.


- Commissions 

Commissioned artwork is made to your order and we walk through the process together start to finish. The transaction is not complete until all are pleased. Prices run the gamut, and guarantees apply.  Find me with your project ideas.  

- Restorations 

Elle Fagan enjoys art and antique restorations of selected works - usually local itemsRESTORATIONS

Contact: Elle Smith Fagan 860-918-7773 or via

I know I sell fine art, but locally, I also do restorative work with honors. My college teacher in it did work for the White House.

I do both 2D and 3D items.
I never agree to do the restoration until I can examine it and be sure I am ABLE to do it and for an easy price.

NEXT: I check provenance - any special ID belonging to the item. Then I research up the latest in techniques and supplies for the restoration and process. Then I contact the client with an estimate of costs and accept a retainer for the purchase of the supplies to do the work, unless I happen to have them on hand.
All this is done before I go to work on your beloved item.

For a reason: I found I was restoring A few "Antiques Roadshow" items a few times so far, and the client themselves had no idea. Wow.

Do NOT get intimidated: Mostly, I just make like new, lots of beloved items like a Mary statue with dirt and a new. A dolly, a piece of furniture or table art. A lamp, a torn painting.....stuff like that. I charge about $15 an hour for the work. I used to charge $10, but inflation means I must raise the price a bit.

IMPORTANT: Click here for the Story of one of my favorite restorations so far. My Past Church’s Nativity Figures.

- Instruction

The artist has led classes in fine arts, crafts, care of artwork, cultural enrichment, learning disabled, gifted - adults and children, in corporate, school, business and private events.  Affordable - chat or contact to plan.

- Groups & "En Plein Air"

Group arts events in watercolor are fine healthy fun as well as opportunities to improve arts skills.  The fee is the same , whether the group size is small or larger, so a larger group means a lower fee for each. Contact for Details. Group helps decide the destination and schedule.   Brief talk before and critique afterward. Group show is an option, with ads etc., included.  En Plein Air is painting as an outdoor excursions - super fun. We agree on a location, time, date, and other details and then make a half-day or day of it.

- Show Co-ordination

The artist will sometimes help in show project work , paid or volunteer. Organization, funding, setup, decor, crowd management, refreshments, publicity and sales.


- Art With Heart

For many years now. with fine success,  I donate my art for you to sell for winnings for your cause or fundraiser.

Fun to help - and some of the ArtWith Heart projects are famous.  Chat to me with your ideas. 

"Art With Heart" ~ This Fine Way with Fine Art Safely Helps: 

ASK ME : There are many ways to let fine art make a fine gift, donation or fundraiser

  • I MAKE OUTRIGHT DONATIONS OF MY ARTWORK FOR YOUR FUNDRAISER, CHARITY OR CAUSE. I am lifelong arts, but also used to do response and compassionate and pioneer work and now that I skip the on site response, I donate art outright for full or part benefit per my "Art With Heart" path.

  • DONATION FOR DEDUCTION the "Art with Heart" discount path for your arts purchase: find the painting you like; then donate to your favorite and email a copy of the donation receipt to me. I deduct the amount of the gift from your purchase : up to 50% ! 

  • OR - BUY A PAINTING AND GIFT IT - My art not to your taste? That is fine - If you buy one and "PASS IT ON" as gift or donation, you can deduct your purchase price. Art makes a lovely holiday or anytime gift - especially a small work that can be passed on, tastefully, again, to charity for end of year deductions. 

  • ARTS CAN HELP ! Get in the spirit and find me with YOUR ideas of more ways use fine art to help any fine cause. 

  • Special: Elle Fagan Art With Heart helps create your event to raise funds. So good to put together an event that helps. Ask me. If my schedule won't allow me to do it, I know others who can.

  • This offer applies to all available images at this site. 
    Money Note: all normal guarantees still apply - repair/restore/replace, but NO REFUNDS on charity items, since the funds are gone to the charity. 
    ~ I hope you agree that this idea is a grand opportunity for all of us to show our best! And now I hope you will want to view Elle Fagan Arts Available Works and make your choice to help.

    Partial List of "ART WITH HEART" Donations

  • Connecticut Visiting Nurses

  • Hockanum Falls Restoration Art

  • Mark Twain House & Museum

  • Greater Hartford Arts Council

  • The American Red Cross - Hartford

  • The American Red Cross - New York City

  • Food for the Poor

  • Several Churches - list on request

  • Humane Society - award-winner

  • "Art With Heart" - a namesake group for family crisis help in North Carolina

  • Andrea Soter Simonson Ovarian Cancer Memorial Benefit

  • American Cancer Society

  • PLAN - Catholic response group

  • ... and maybe, YOU ? ~ Perhaps ~ if you'd like to be added to this list enjoying art manipulated to win for any good cause.

  • Note: ~ private donations are not mentioned here. I respect donor preference on this point. 



- Prices, Terms, Conditions

  • Prices:   as stated and pretty standard - but happy to discuss it for the sale.  All Payment methods honored - ship when check clears.

  • Terms:   for completed original work  - pay at time of sale for works under $200.  Payment in installments is possible, with money in for our safety. When payment is complete, item ships.  When item ships sends my money on to me.     For more expensive works I do video conferencing to be sure the work is right before it ships.

  • Conditions:  I do replace and repair artwork that I have done and that of others, as possible. I do refund if really necessary, of course but have not yet needed to do so.

  • Options:  If you like an image that is listed as not available to you, we can discuss an original version or variation Always ask: Special prices MAY apply to your choice of item, and questions and comments are always welcome. 

  • The transaction is not complete until all are delighted!


- Guarantees

MOST Elle Fagan Art is guaranteed by the Artist against any reasonable claim for repair, adjustment or replacement and sometimes refund,  with the following exceptions:

  •  Art Prints of my work purchased via my Fine Art America sub-contractor are guaranteed by Fine Art America. 

  •  Artsite Store merchandise purchased via my Zazzle sub-contractor, are guaranteed through Zazzle.

  • Elle Fagan Original Art purchased through a third party, or any of the "Art With Heart" project donations may or may not be guaranteed by Elle Fagan or Elle Fagan Art.  Once I am no longer the owner, my rights and responsibilities are diminished.


- Shipping

  • Shipping costs and basic insurance are included in sales price, unless special shipping or insurance is required.  In this case, buyer and seller will agree in advance on methods and costs.

  • Art is shipped by a variety of rates and providers, depending on the commonsense needs of the individual piece of artwork, and the preferences of the Buyer and Seller.

  • At delivery:  Buyeris asked to send an acknowledgment, that the work has reached the buyer safely, and that the buyer is pleased.



 New to Fine Arts Ownership ?


If you purchase the work framed, it will arrive with hanging hardware appropriate to it, attached. Study the painting from all sides and at every angle.This is the best time to note and correct problems, and get easy answers to questions.

If you purchase the work unframed: At first sight, may look odd, too casual and too dark, too small. This is normal. Framing usually solves the problem.  If you are not pleased with it, again, please contact me, and we will resolve.   Important - although modern methods have improved on this issue:

Watercolor almost always fades slightly, like patina and aging in other arts media, it is considered part of its beauty. And framing will lighten the color effect as well - which is why I try to finish the work one shade darker than the desired finished hue. This aspect of watercolor is also why it is recommended that the art be hung out of direct sunlight, and away from temperature extremes or dampness. 

If the art is a recently completed piece, it will appear darker and lighten slightly within the first year.  It has been my experience that the colors seem to lighten up to a point and then stop.  If, by some chance, the slight lightening develops into serious fading, contact me.

Such happenings are rare, and I have made, and am happy to make repairs/corrections, in this rare instance, and your insurance will often cover the additional costs.  So be sure to add it to your coverage.

Guarantees always mean "whatever is fair" and when it comes to fine art, it is usually pretty easy to talk it out and resolve happily.


- Mission Statement

The goal of"Elle Fagan Art" is to share a fine arts experience, accessible to many, and more easily than ever,  because of the miracle of the internet.  All aspects of your visit to my site are important to me.  Enjoy the Contact options at the main links.

I hope you feel you can visit the site in with pleasure,  without purchase pressure and return from time to time to visit the latest work and upgrades here.

And I am delighted to share the information here with you.


The purchase experience is, traditionally, supposed to be part of the 

pleasure of owning original art.  When you buy my art, you should be able to view the work happily, for a very long time to come, without a qualm, remembering happily, the experience of the sale.


The art is yours at purchase:  to share it, gift it, or resell it, and get a satisfactory price at resale.  Some have purchased the art with the goal of presenting it for gift/fundraising - deductible.   

I have won nice points for efforts to keep fine art"fine online" - if you spot an error, of any kind, please find me 

I like very much to share viewing of my images online, even after sale.  However, if Buyer prefers that the image, once purchased, no longer be viewable to site visitors, this is, of course, possible.

Prices here are typical of the field, and adjusted from time to time. But they are not rigid and so do ask if your offer differs from my posted price.

Online display distorts the image slightly; not usually all that much. When you receive your artwork, if you are not pleased, think about it, and let me know.

 An art sale is supposed to be a pleasure, and that includes transaction adjustments. Delighted to work with you to resolve to everyone's satisfaction.


- Privacy Statement 

About the internet data privacy:
This is just a small private arts website to share my art, and I do not collect your data - only what you submit. Your information is NOT shared or sold to any third party. Google collects some general non-personal data for the purpose of tracking and targeting. Again, they do not share this data. 

I do send news and announcements on occasion using the email address you provided. So be sure to find me to update it , if it changes.

I work in arts lifelong - including church and schools as student and teacher - this site is child-safe. 

Please feel welcome to find me at these Contact options with any relevant questions or comments.

About the artwork privacy:
Be sure to let me know your preference in sharing your image.   Once you purchase an original image it is yours, and you may request that no further sale of prints from you image be done. OR not. 

 Some of the original works are shown in nice shows with the label,  "On Loan from the Collection of....."     So do tell me if you would like your purchase to be included in a future show.

Similarly, if you purchase a completed work I can remove your image from the site, retaining only the copy for my offline copyright files,   or I can continue to display the image, marked "sold", and with your name displayed or not, as owner of thepainting.


Returns are done cheerfully under fair circumstances For the serious buyer I can:  arrange personal viewing if it is practical,

 format an enlargement for viewing online, or

mail a photograph of the image, or

arrange for a conditional purchase, insured.

 I try to scan and display the work online as it will look when hung.In any event, with unframed artwork from this site, it is recommended to frame the work nicely, and hang out of direct sunlight, away from dampness or other climate extremes. I will repair a damaged work, but I charge a repair fee, unless the damage/error is mine. Insurance often covers such repair needs.

This concept is helpful where the historic scenes are concerned, since an error or change in architectural detail may occur and should be spotted and corrected.  Again, financial responsibility for the work and time in such a circumstance are judged individually, by commonsense rules, with a goal of grace in mind.

Insure the work if loss, theft,damage or repair would make a significant financial impact, so that if conditions I cannot control affect the work, the insurance will pay for repair or replacement, by myself or another artist.


I hope you have found this page helpful, and feel more comfortable about arts sales concepts.

Most of all, you should feel free to enjoy   "Elle Fagan Art"  at your leisure, as long and often as you wish, whether you choose to make a purchase or not. Browsing for its own sake is what an art gallery is about.  May you always feel welcome!


-elle fagan