LoriStory - feb 9
September 18th 1953 birthday, she’s ready!
"Chance made us Sisters, Love made us friends"
I have one Sister, and love her very much! She earns it - USUALLY.
I know she remains an early and enduring valentine.
La Vierge, Virgo, her Storge, "best friends" love style tells her truth. I was firstborn, and bigsis…
She had just become a teenager when I married and moved away, We have been loving and interactive, and helped one another in work and play, and she is Godmother to our firstborn, and a fine Auntie to our second.
But since life changes, and sometimes against our own will,I found, to my horror, that we have not been as good with another and that I have huge gaps in my knowledge of basic statistics about my only sister!
The "Lori Story", might be a way to gather missing things - and even fun!
A new Baby Sister! Long-leggety, with hair lighter than mine, and though not fat, a healthy nine pounds+, on arrival! I brought my Kindergarten class, in entirety, home from Timothy Dwight School having made my new baby sister my "Show and Tell" that year...feeling very much the show woman about it.
I found my baby sister "interesting"...I loved her, but I was six years older, and almost scientific in my interest in her...I must be cautious ...she is a baby.. and felt odd that we could not be play-peers, especially till later, but then a special joy.
She grew up well - 1970s
Sibling rivalry doesn’t feel good and our musical Libra Father preferred to enjoy our singing in three-voice harmony as we did our household tasks, with him grinning, playing the conductor of our mini-choir: I sang soprano, Lori sang Alto, and Mother Sang that beautiful Polish woman’s contralto - and looking beautiful doing it!
In the fifties, our Father often called my sister "Sputnik" for love and said it was .."because she is "out of this world!". meaning superlative, super-duper, extraordinary ! His hands were already doing NASA things at DuPont, so Space Exploration was correct.
She neglects me, still, though it was I who did her hair, sewed for her dolly wardrobe and later, for her prom dress, and it was I who prayed and rocked her if she had a cold, wrapping the vicks and towel with a pin over her chest as our Mother had done for me and my brother earlier on.
We sailed along in childhood with few squabbles , we really didn't ... fear of the Lord?
I know I loved her and she loved me. We shared a room and affection daily - helped our Mother and made fun and food and beauty and parties and prayer and good work.
Fine success and happiness in every way made it easy to gather for all the best times! The photos would fill a separate site and do! But we lost it at midlife when death and divorce and the recession struck us a bitter blow.
But I KNOW it is right to rekindle the Good - all the good we can find and make!
And now, that we are getting older, and it seems to be necessary to chat some things back into the real world, I am sharing my valentine here for her and the good things we have made and shared lifelong.
TodayLori - peace and new adventures!
Happy Valentines Day Lori and her world ! Wherever you are - there you are :-D