patriotic, petition, spirit, writing, Rename Black Friday Elle Smith Fagan patriotic, petition, spirit, writing, Rename Black Friday Elle Smith Fagan

Thanksgiving Notes 2016

Such sneaky kitties!  Going from Halloween wild fun, straight on to Christmas - skipping the "Thank You" in-between.    If you know when this began, it would be good to comment on it here.   BECAUSE skipping the Thank Yous can be dangerous:  if we fail to appreciate it, we'll lose it .  

Fortunately there are no one-way streets in this world, actually - so we can fix the places where we veer off the winning path.    

To start, we should restore the Thanksgiving season among us as the GOLDEN - not BLACK - time of year it is supposed to be.   GOLDEN FRIDAY, and no longer Black Friday  is just so much better in every way!   Healthier and more cheerful and less rotten greedlust.    I have heard a dozen explanations of why they chosethen name,  "Black Friday" for a day of joyful gift shopping for the coming winter holidays.

 I don't believe any of it -  Black Friday is straight from Mordor and like the evil powers in the dark days of Middle Earth, in "Lord of the Rings".  Black Friday reeks -  its emanations are insidious and folk do not realize the evil till it dominates and it begins to hurt - really hurt - and then they wail and yell.  I plan to begin an online petiton on this topic and more.  Comment here if it interests you.

The stock market is up, and we can all do our part to "Make America Great Again"  and it is easier than you think.  There is probably a good talk at your home, church or wlrkplace to get people thinking winning thinking again and then most can do a small thing that helps and support those whe are doing the bigstuff.

We have a long list of thanks to share this year!    Most conditions have improved and we can ACT again and appreciae teh good in our lives, plain and fancy!    We jump up in the morning and run to do our day and often there is not time to stop and appreciate, they say. NOW there is time and we should not skip the Thank yous.   The day comes when we hang our heads in sorrow and acceptance of our failures, but it does not need to be that way, so much.  

Look in the mirror and thank yourself, for at least aiming to NOT fail YOU.  Then look around you - your warm home in cold weather and AC for the hot days; full fridge, and shops for the bit of delicious healthy things and sinful treats as well.   People to share with  - to wave hello and big farewll and friends to work with and play with, and maybe if you are realllly blessed a special someone who makes it all effortless - to celebrate with now and remember later!  

We are free and healthy or cared for if we are not fit for the road race!  We seen the new problems of the new millennium but we are ready to go at them and win!  IN fact, with interplanetary and space and astral things evolving so, peace on earth is likely to become closer to a reality than ever, since we are likely to be TEAM EARTH in all the real ways that used to be science fiction.  

Thank you for this day to see these miracles and may we be worthy and quick and full of fun while at it...and full of thanks afterward!  

Happy Thanksgiving!


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patriotic, petition, writing, cause, True Sixties Story Elle Smith Fagan patriotic, petition, writing, cause, True Sixties Story Elle Smith Fagan

Patriot pages

"The Constitution was not perfect when it was framed.  

It is not perfect today. 

Our Constitution, even our Bill of Rights,

Provides no set formula that fits all peoples around the world. 

But they do offer an inspiring example of ageless ideals realized and made to work,

with the eternal message that men and women everywhere

were intended to be free to shape their own destinies."  

...Warren Burger, Chief Justice of the United States (1969-1986) at 200th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights, from the Bowling Green, Kentucky  "Daily News"  January 27, 1991 


Patriot Pages  ~ May you find, here, patriotic  inspiration, refreshers and helpful links !      ~ elle 

THE VOTE FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA  is a holy thing and Voting Day almost here - November 8th.    Many places have extended the registration options, in their desire to make it easier to vote, so if you forgot, there may still be time.  Check with your local government registrars or League of Women Voters or "Voters Page"  some basics and links to Voting and Elections        IF you already feel fine about your own vote, get busy helping others - we are the family of Man and if we can, we should!     -elle



LINKS from this page :


"Patriots Primer" link to Basics for Americans

"Veterans Page"  of helpful links and other contents

"Voters Page"  some basics and links to Voting and Elections

- Elvis the Wrecker - an Mid-Century, All-American TRUE Story

American Flag by Elle Fagan Price on Request - contact artist.  These and other patriotic images and symbols are for sale here at the site and for your enjoyment at the Gallery of Patriotic Images link, above.    

American Flag by Elle Fagan Price on Request - contact artist.  These and other patriotic images and symbols are for sale here at the site and for your enjoyment at the Gallery of Patriotic Images link, above.    

Great Seal of the State of Connecticut, my Home State  - central to our State Flag,   the motto means  "They who tranasplanted sustain",  a reference to our success as transplants in the New World ,  symbolized by the grapev…

Great Seal of the State of Connecticut, my Home State  - central to our State Flag,   the motto means  "They who tranasplanted sustain",  a reference to our success as transplants in the New World ,  symbolized by the grapevines,  whose transplanting has always been holy.






Love of Country,

Please do not skip these quotes from Great Men & Women


"...its soul, its climate, its equality, liberty laws, people, and manners.
My God!  how little do my countrymen know what precious blessing they are in possession of,
and which no other people on earth enjoy!"  -Thomas Jefferson
"All I can hope to teach my son is to tell the truth and fear no man. 
The only thing that counts is the right to know, to speak, to think...
that ,and the sanctity of the courts.
Otherwise it's not America" -Edward R. Morrow


"...when shall all men's good
Be each man's rule, 
And universal peace
Be like a shaft of light
Across the land"
-Alfred Lord Tennyson
"God grant, that not only the love of liberty but a thorough knowledge of the Rights of Man,
 may pervade all the nations of Earth,  so that a philosopher may set his foot
anywhere on its surface, and say, "this is my country."  
-Benjamin Franklin

"He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples;  

and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, 

and their spears into pruning hooks;  

nation shall not lift up sword against nation, 

neither shall they learn war any more.

-William Makepeace Thakeray, and the Bible



"The Constitution was not perfect when it was framed.  

It is not perfect today. 

Our Constitution, even our Bill of Rights,

Provides no set formula that fits all peoples around the world. 

But they do offer an inspiring example of ageless ideals realized and made to work,

with the eternal message that men and women everywhere

were intended to be free to shape their own destinies."  

...Warren Burger, Chief Justice of the United States (1969-1986) at 200th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights, from the Bowling Green, Kentucky  "Daily News"  January 27, 1991 

Click here for entire article


Patriot and the Arts
Grants for the Arts make the news . One headline stated that the President asked for much more than was granted, especially for a Major Project to help America become more familiar with its own Amazing American Artists . I think the project is important to America and the World;  the American Arts History.   ENJOY MY BLOG ENTRY:  "Art in America - a Timeline"  








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story, true story, activist, petition, Patriot Elle Smith Fagan story, true story, activist, petition, Patriot Elle Smith Fagan

Saving Connecticut's Old State House - Petition to Sign, Please

"The oldest State House in America is now closed to the public amid Connecticut’s budget problems. In addition, millions of dollars worth of artwork could be removed from the building."  Google - WNPR link

Please click and sign the petition to save this wonderful site from closure.

Connecticut's Old State House with a golden statue of JUSTICE atop - needs some herself!

Connecticut's Old State House with a golden statue of JUSTICE atop - needs some herself!

UPDATE August 2016

"The oldest State House in America is now closed to the public amid Connecticut’s budget problems. In addition, millions of dollars worth of artwork could be removed from the building."  Google - WNPR link

Please click and sign the petition to save this wonderful site from closure.

July 28, 2016 - Sign the linked petition here BECAUSE: 
 today's paper tells that the artifacts are being removed from the  recently closed down site to protect them better at the Atheneum and the Connecticut Historical Society. Sad news but good news for their safety. This move is said to be temporary as new leadership hopes to do a  LOT better job of keeping the key historic site self-supporting.   LIARS - that building should be done like Sturbridge Village, since it's unique funnctionality in Colonial Days absolutely Dazzles but NO  ONE has been promoting it AT ALL. I think they mean to kill  her.

IN JUNE 2016,  while closing down my computer for the night, the breaking news alert notification kept me on a new job till late.  Whyyyyy just at Independence Day , would my beloved homestate close this icon site, which has only recently been renovated ?  The golden statue of JUSTICE, symbolically, is barely visible in this official photo, though her new gold paints normally gleam proudly in the sun and brighten a rainy day.  Funding and cutbacks were cited as the reason, but not very convincing. The Petition lists ways to fix.

Please click and sign the petition to save this wonderful site from closure.


This site WAS Connecticut's capitol, till the larger one was built a century or so later.   It stood and served all life in the area and in early America.   And with not much else around, one block from the Connecticut River, the Old State House was the nearest to  the river life line in those days.     Rules were made and important history to all of America - not just Connecticut- happened there and the building is used daily today.  Not profitably enough, but that's easy to fix.

  This video will tell you more - click here for it.

Personally, I developed just a silly love for "OSH" as she is called -  when I first visited Hartford back to my home state, after 20 years in the big world, it was like seeing a lot of it for the first time, and often seeing old sites with new eyes. And especially OSH.

Suddenly I saw her in a personified light:  My paternal Grandmother was alive again, a tiny dolly , surrounded by her many tall children and grandchildren!   The anachronism she presents, in the landscape, making her just that more wonderful, sitting pat, on that spot, among companions two centuries newer.    She is my Grammy and I simply felt too personally upset by the news to NOT act.

Old State House is a genial Happy Cat on a carpet before a fire, much-loved by her  companions.  

What on EARTH would make anyone think it is okay to change that?  We need her in this world.   And why hurt this historic site AT Independence Day, America's Historically Proud Birthday! 

The petition has some signatures already and I have done only modest promotion. More to come. Comment here or on the petition.   Those with power to change the closure will be getting updates - it is part of the petition's machinery.  Make it count!


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