Blue " Hallelujah"

Peter Hollen and Jackie Evancho sing a pretty a capella version of Leonard Cohen's iconic "Hallelujah" -  this year at YouTube for the holidays ......find it if you can.   I think I wrote this "Variation on the Theme" for a memorial to the author's passing this November 7th




 Peter Hollen and Jackie Evancho sing a pretty a capella version of Leonard Cohen's iconic "Hallelujah" -  this year at YouTube for the holidays ......find it if you can.   I think I wrote this "Variation on the Theme" for a memorial to the author's passing this November 7th


A ' Different'  Hallelujah


What , sweet angels, do you do

It's Christmas and they don't like you, 

And to be truthful, you're not keen on them ?

Skip them,  and go find your friends

and play till New Year's parties end

Find the new year full of Hallelujahs


Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !


When big hurts hurt, they do deplete - 

It isn't pretty, isn't sweet

You cry, "Please, Santa, ANY Hallelujah ! "

You pray to find a new insight

 it won't run clear, it won't go right

 Till you can't even spell out  'Hallelooojah' !


Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !


I found my son today online

With Bride, too far away, but  fine

But why assail me with   UN-hallelujah !

And now they'll have to charm this dear,  

to find the former welcome here

And still I know I'll know that Hallelujah !


Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !


His sister's newly-wedded smiles

Just dreams - we are apart by miles

Some one-day moment here -  for Holy Yule - yah !

Again a merry company

For Christmas, once again, and we will

Sing ensemble, truly,  Hallelujah!


Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !    Hallelujah !   Hallelujah ! 


The strawb'ry top still  spins,  my loves !

The spirit's there and more above

A power of its own, sing Hallelujah !

I love the wisdom of my years

The invitation's loud and clear, so

  I'll close now  and just get back to my Yule - yah !


Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !   Hallelujah !


May YOUR  "Hallelujah" and "Gloria" and "cheers", glow with family spirit this year and always!



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patriotic, petition, writing, cause, True Sixties Story Elle Smith Fagan patriotic, petition, writing, cause, True Sixties Story Elle Smith Fagan

Patriot pages

"The Constitution was not perfect when it was framed.  

It is not perfect today. 

Our Constitution, even our Bill of Rights,

Provides no set formula that fits all peoples around the world. 

But they do offer an inspiring example of ageless ideals realized and made to work,

with the eternal message that men and women everywhere

were intended to be free to shape their own destinies."  

...Warren Burger, Chief Justice of the United States (1969-1986) at 200th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights, from the Bowling Green, Kentucky  "Daily News"  January 27, 1991 


Patriot Pages  ~ May you find, here, patriotic  inspiration, refreshers and helpful links !      ~ elle 

THE VOTE FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA  is a holy thing and Voting Day almost here - November 8th.    Many places have extended the registration options, in their desire to make it easier to vote, so if you forgot, there may still be time.  Check with your local government registrars or League of Women Voters or "Voters Page"  some basics and links to Voting and Elections        IF you already feel fine about your own vote, get busy helping others - we are the family of Man and if we can, we should!     -elle



LINKS from this page :


"Patriots Primer" link to Basics for Americans

"Veterans Page"  of helpful links and other contents

"Voters Page"  some basics and links to Voting and Elections

- Elvis the Wrecker - an Mid-Century, All-American TRUE Story

American Flag by Elle Fagan Price on Request - contact artist.  These and other patriotic images and symbols are for sale here at the site and for your enjoyment at the Gallery of Patriotic Images link, above.    

American Flag by Elle Fagan Price on Request - contact artist.  These and other patriotic images and symbols are for sale here at the site and for your enjoyment at the Gallery of Patriotic Images link, above.    

Great Seal of the State of Connecticut, my Home State  - central to our State Flag,   the motto means  "They who tranasplanted sustain",  a reference to our success as transplants in the New World ,  symbolized by the grapev…

Great Seal of the State of Connecticut, my Home State  - central to our State Flag,   the motto means  "They who tranasplanted sustain",  a reference to our success as transplants in the New World ,  symbolized by the grapevines,  whose transplanting has always been holy.






Love of Country,

Please do not skip these quotes from Great Men & Women


"...its soul, its climate, its equality, liberty laws, people, and manners.
My God!  how little do my countrymen know what precious blessing they are in possession of,
and which no other people on earth enjoy!"  -Thomas Jefferson
"All I can hope to teach my son is to tell the truth and fear no man. 
The only thing that counts is the right to know, to speak, to think...
that ,and the sanctity of the courts.
Otherwise it's not America" -Edward R. Morrow


"...when shall all men's good
Be each man's rule, 
And universal peace
Be like a shaft of light
Across the land"
-Alfred Lord Tennyson
"God grant, that not only the love of liberty but a thorough knowledge of the Rights of Man,
 may pervade all the nations of Earth,  so that a philosopher may set his foot
anywhere on its surface, and say, "this is my country."  
-Benjamin Franklin

"He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples;  

and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, 

and their spears into pruning hooks;  

nation shall not lift up sword against nation, 

neither shall they learn war any more.

-William Makepeace Thakeray, and the Bible



"The Constitution was not perfect when it was framed.  

It is not perfect today. 

Our Constitution, even our Bill of Rights,

Provides no set formula that fits all peoples around the world. 

But they do offer an inspiring example of ageless ideals realized and made to work,

with the eternal message that men and women everywhere

were intended to be free to shape their own destinies."  

...Warren Burger, Chief Justice of the United States (1969-1986) at 200th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights, from the Bowling Green, Kentucky  "Daily News"  January 27, 1991 

Click here for entire article


Patriot and the Arts
Grants for the Arts make the news . One headline stated that the President asked for much more than was granted, especially for a Major Project to help America become more familiar with its own Amazing American Artists . I think the project is important to America and the World;  the American Arts History.   ENJOY MY BLOG ENTRY:  "Art in America - a Timeline"  








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Charles Ethan Porter - Hartford Artist of the Black Elite

Charles Ethan Porter (c. 1847 – March 6, 1923) was born near Hartford, and, among other things, was a protege of Mark Twain, who raised the money to send Mr. Porter to Paris to refine the training of the talented Rockville, Connecticut , Black American native.

He is said to have painted in the Florentine style  and always elegantly. His works are found in the leading collections of the world and spotlighted - top honors-  in Black American Culture venues.

"Apples", by Charles Ethan Porter. References to the work of a former neighbor in time and space.Wikipedia's fine Biography of Charles Ethan Porter at this link - click, please.Charles Ethan Porter (c. 1847 – March 6, 1923) was born n…

"Apples", by Charles Ethan Porter.
 References to the work of a former neighbor in time and space.

Wikipedia's fine Biography of Charles Ethan Porter at this link - click, please.

Charles Ethan Porter (c. 1847 – March 6, 1923) was born near Hartford, and, among other things, was a protege of Mark Twain, who raised the money to send Mr. Porter to Paris to refine the training of the talented Rockville, Connecticut , Black American native.

He is said to have painted in the Florentine style  and always elegantly. His works are found in the leading collections of the world and spotlighted - top honors-  in Black American Culture venues.

At one time, his artwork was so much in demand he kept a studio on Fox Hill in Vernon, Connecticut AND one in Hartford.
All sources agree his work was later suppressed by racial discrimination, only to triumphantly re-emerge in these more correct times.

But many of his paintings remain hidden, from those old days, and then rediscovered by descendants.
The new day we enjoy today is making it possible for all to enjoy his fine work once more...... elle

Vernon Historical Society  in Connecticut, USA  keeps a veritable shrine to his work. The town is very proud of his beginnings there.
The State Historical Society and the Hartford Public Library and the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford are also fine resources, online and off.

Links to Charles Ethan Porter art online...
much of it from our Connecticut Historical or the the Amazing Mr. Driskell of Black American Arts Elite.   This one from the Arts Center named for the famed David C. Driskell, 

Thomas Colville Fine Art, LLC

Citizens of Color, 1863-1890: The Black Elite: The 'Talented ... Citizens of Color, 1863-1890: The "Talented Tenth". Charles Ethan Porter. Mounting racism certainly was a barrier that narrowed the ... 

More about the Elite and the Talented Tenth 

I hope you will wish to Link to a Top Source for all things "Charles Ethan Porter" at the Vernon Connecticut Historical Society, located northeast of Hartford; we are apples and ice cream and once a Megapolis for Textiles. 

Vernon's Fox Hill with its three-state view was Mr. Porter's home for part of his life. 

Mr. Porter's archived writings include recommendation from Mark Twain, courtesy letters of introduction, and the Historical Society here has reverently Archived and shared his work and history. 

Mr. Porter's work and life are favorite local school display projects. 

Whatever your source, do look up his work - it is truly elegant and top-notch! 

Charles Ethan Porter, noted Black American Painter 





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Also named  "A Splendid Torch"  or, "Purpose" -  this is A New Years Inspiration for everyone!  A vitamin of a sort,  from George Bernard Shaw, one of my least favorite persons, but most favorite storytellers.  It is reprinted everywhere under several titles.   I hope you enjoy the easy read!  Elle


This is the true joy in life,

the being used for a purpose

recognized by yourself as a mighty one; ...

Also named  "A Splendid Torch"  or, "Purpose" -  this is A New Years Inspiration for everyone!  A vitamin of a sort,  from George Bernard Shaw, one of my least favorite persons, but most favorite storytellers.  It is reprinted everywhere under several titles.   I hope you enjoy the easy read!  Elle


This is the true joy in life,

the being used for a purpose

recognized by yourself as a mighty one;

the being a force of nature

instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of

ailments and grievances

complaining that the world will not

devote itself to making you happy.

I am of the opinion that

my life belongs

to the whole community,

and as long as I live

it is my privilege

to do for it whatever I can.

I want to be thoroughly used up when I die,

for the harder I work the more I live.

I rejoice in life for its own sake.

Life is no “brief candle” for me.

It is a sort of splendid torch

which I have got hold of

for the moment,

and I want to

make it burn as brightly as possible

before handing it on to future generations.

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